Saturday 22 February 2014

Sofia's Skirt and Hair Dynamics

I knew one of the most difficult aspects would be creating believable dynamics for Sofia's Skirt and Hair. So what better way to overcome this than by creating the dynamics and attaching her hair and skirt to the most difficult shot dynamics wise?

So I position the Skirt to where I need it to attach from, I turn this into an Ncloth and use either a TRANSFORM or POINT TO SURFACE Constraint (Dependent on situation, here we use a TRANSFORM Constraint because she is not moving.) 

Then the difficult part begins:
I turned her body into a Passive Collider.

I created a small Plane as the Skirt would be hitting the ground and so would need to react to it, turning the ENTIRE Farm Surface into an nRigid would be ridiculous as Sofia only occupies a small space in the scene, so I created a Plane used the 'Transfer Attributes' function to it so that the new Plane Conforms to the shape of the farm plane, I adjusted this then deleted its history so my Plane is clean once again.

I turned this New Plane into a Passive Collider also. This worked, all I had to do now was adjust my settings for the Skirt nCloth and that was it.

Likewise with the Hair because my colliders were already set up it was a simple case of positioning it...

Applying my Transform constraint:

And then adjusting the nCloth settings such that it is fairly rigid and resists bending and moving too much in this particular shot.

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