Friday 15 November 2013

3D Research - Using Props

In the film, I realise that it's pivotal that my characters interact with their props correctly. It's absolutely essential that when me and Laura go to animate in Maya we know how to use Props in Character Animation! So I took some time to learn how using the help of a book I have purchased which will aid me in all my character animation endeavours. The book provided tutorials which I was able to follow.

My prop is a pencil and my rig is ready and posed. So the character is going to be using this pencil in it's hand. First I create a locator and place the locator approximately where the character will be holding it. Then I centre the pivot of the pencil to the centre of the locator. I then parent the pencil to the locator. 

And once I position the pencil where I need it to be (I can just use the locator to move the pencil around now!) I select the hand control of the rig and then the locator and use a Parent Constrain.

I then looked at this one step further, to find out how to pass a prop between two characters

So here there is a character passing a pencil to another, I will be adjusting the Parent Constrain applied to the pencil so it will be able to pass between the 2.

First parent constrain the second character hand to the pencil.

I now have weights on both constrain, I don't need this, I only need the weight to be on the first characters hand up till frame 32, THEN it needs to pass to the other character. 

So I gave the blue character a weight of 0 on it's Parent Constrain up till frame 32. and the other constrain a weight of 1, i then Key the weights

And then I swap the weights around on Frame 33, so the pencil can then be passed!

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