Saturday 14 December 2013

Finalizing Sofia Rig and fixing errors

As a Director I felt that Sofia's design was still off. My tutors agreed and I decided that the adjustments Laura made to the Eleven rig needed serious ammendments.

Here is Laura's version:

I thought it was very unappealing, I can understand that Laura was trying to make the character look as much like her original design as possible, but at the end of the day an unappealing character is an unappealing character.

Here are my changes;

I toned almost everything down as it was just far TOO much, now it just looked a little creepy but I feel this is more to do with the pose and the teeth + eye positioning. So more ammendments...

I found some errors in the Sofia Rig when I was attempting to create test animation;

Here you can see how the FK AND IK controls are showing even though I only need one of them to show, this problem seemed to be unfixable and occured during my tampering of the rig, luckily I had created many backups and was able to fix the issue..

Like so.

I added a "Dyn" Control for the Rig to be able to turn all the dynamics On and Off at will as well as turn the skirt and hair visibility on and off. This just makes things much easier for the future.

The Boots also underwent a change where the laces were taken out, this was to simplify the geometry as 
1) The Laces were a very detailed feature in a Character style where simplicity was the aim.
2) The Laces were too heavy in geometry and slowing down the use of the rig substantially, me and Laura both agreed that taking the Laces out and adjusting the Boot model to look a little more scrappy would actually aid the character's look if anything.

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