Friday 13 December 2013

Painting Textures in Zbrush

Because Laura is uncomfortable with using Zbrush and I want to adhere to the strict Production Plan as we have done already, it's come to me to paint on the texture on to both the Tree and the Tree Stump in Zbrush.

Here is Zoe's Zbrushed Tree Ztool:

Here is Laura's Texture which she created:

I used Zbrush's "Spotlight" and "Polypaint" feature to paint the texture in 3D Space straight onto the model as the base model will use a displacement map in Maya and therefore it is so much easier to create and apply a texture with this method. The same goes for the Tree Stump Zoe created, below are my results;

I was really quite happy with the look of these objects, especially the Tree Stump, it looked very, very stylised yet gave the model a unique sort of detail at the same time.

However, Laura also produced some texturing + uv mapping tests for the tree herself, these did NOT use the displacement map created by Zoe and looked more simple.

You can see it here:

It came down to me to make a directorial decision;

Should I use the version created by myself which uses Displacements and a Model by Zoe with a texture file by Laura,

or should I use the version created by Laura which uses the Base Model by Zoe?

I will update this section with my decision soon.

UPDATE: I opted for the version WITHOUT the Displacement Maps.

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