Sunday 20 October 2013

Pitch to Hillary Audit; Course Mentor

So having just had pitching day, where me and my team pitched the film idea and concept to Hillary Audit, the course mentor who will be guiding me and my peers in the production pipeline. Hillary is a massive help to everyone, being very experienced herself and so today's pitch was crucial.

UNFORTUNATELY, the pitch could have gone better, Hillary broke my pitch apart (deservedly so), which meant spending the entire day retooling my film for the better.

The feedback Hillary gave to me for my story and storyboard was this:

  • The cinematography and staging all feels very flat, for a 3D film that's not exactly something you want unless it's done purposely.
  • The characters and motives are undefined.
  • The shot choreography is unbalanced and confusing.
  • The story is slightly poorly paced.
  • The story has little pay off in it's penultimate moments.
and the biggest one of all...

  • It all feels slightly...boring.
With all of this to take in, I sat in the studio for an hour doing nothing but thinking. Thinking, thinking and thinking. 

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