Sunday 20 October 2013

Research for Layout

For the layout of the film I want to keep things simple. As said in my previous post the film is set near an American Farm. The way I see it currently is that the fence should still be the focal point of the scene, and the fence separates the farm from the road and the hill from which Bagboy comes from to see Sofia. So quite a simple layout.

I've always been a fan of the classic Red Barn.

The wide landscape of this farm with it's lovely picket fence's is great inspiration.

This farm is a lot busier and far more condensed.

This red barn is beautiful, it's really got that feel I'm after and I may take a lot of inspiration from this.

Many farms have wind pumps, I feel that a wind pump will really help bring about the feeling of the slow farm life to my film.

Another Wind Pump.

Looking at the type of Bench Bagboy will be sat on atop the hill.

On my trips from Uni to home the drive always involves going past many countrysides and farms, below are photos from these drives.

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